LIFE ClimArchiBase
Climate education platform for architecture and real estate professionals
The LIFE ClimArchiBase project focuses on increasing knowledge about sustainable architecture among the professional public. It targets architects, planners, developers, public investors and municipal representatives. Our aim is to collect in a clear way the know-how on sustainable construction that already exists in Europe and in the Czech Republic and to solve the problem of fragmentation of information sources and lack of available information. In this way, the project will contribute to the design and implementation of sustainable building and urban projects that mitigate the environmental impact of the built environment and adapt to climate change.
Implementation period:
01.08.2023 – 31.07.2026
Target groups
The target group of the project is professionals in the field of architecture and real estate and professionals involved in the design, implementation and operation of buildings and their renovations:
architects, landscape architects, planners, urban planners
energy specialists, sustainability consultants
developers and investors, project managers, real estate fund managers
public investors: representatives of state and local government responsible for investment and building management
students of construction, design, and architecture
Why the LIFE ClimArchiBase project was created
Buildings and the construction industry have a huge impact on the environment.
CO2 emissions: buildings are responsible for more than 37% of CO2 emissions worldwide.Energy: buildings in the EU consume 42% of energy.
Materials: about 50% of the extracted materials in the EU are used in buildings.
Water: Buildings consume large amounts of drinking water and also affect stormwater management in built-up areas.
Heat island: With increasing temperatures and the number of tropical days, the problem of heat islands in cities is getting worse.
Biodiversity: Currently, the built environment is not designed with biodiversity of plants and animals in mind.
Social sustainability: People spend up to 90% of their time in buildings and the rest in parks, streets and other built-up areas. These environments affect people's health, psychological well-being, cultural perceptions and the personal relationships they form.
Legislation: there is a rapid development of legislation in the Czech Republic and the EU on energy efficiency of buildings, carbon footprint of buildings, circular economy and adaptation. Documents such as the EU Green Deal, Fit for 55, EU Taxonomy, EPBD or initiatives such as the New European Bauhaus are increasingly influencing the construction industry.
Fragmentation of resources: awareness on all these topics already exists, but is currently fragmented in many different places.
The aim of the LIFE ClimArchiBase project is to bring this information together in one platform.
How we do it
Educational programs: we train professionals and organize educational programs. We offer education for different target groups ranging from short seminars, workshops, lectures and excursions, multi-day training, and longer comprehensive programs. We prepare, for example, the Academy of Sustainability in Real Estate for real estate professionals or training for representatives of cities and public investors.
Online information platform: we are gradually adding information and resources on current legislation, publications, training and consulting services in the field of sustainability to this web platform ClimArchiBase. We use and share the many years of knowledge of the members of each project partner and their practical experience in the field of sustainable construction.
Web application for designing sustainable projects: we are developing an interactive application to help architects and investors create sustainable project specifications. The application will include environmental, social, and economic criteria.
Workshops and roundtables: we organize events that promote discussion and interdisciplinary collaboration and help to develop workable policy proposals leading to sustainability. We draw on a detailed knowledge of the current Czech legislation, which we contribute to the final form of.
Consultancy services: we offer a wide range of consultancy services on specific projects to help move towards sustainability. We provide consultation to architects and planners, developers, public investors and city representatives, as well as other professionals.
Who we are
The project is a collaboration of four Czech non-profit organizations working on improving the sustainability of buildings and cities.
Centrum pasivního domu, z. s.
Coordinating partner of the LIFE ClimArchiBase project
Centrum pasivního domu is an independent association that has been educating people about healthy, efficient and sustainable construction for almost 20 years. We focus on investors, professionals, academics, educators, students and children. Our independent voice is heard at municipal, regional and state levels. We bring together over a hundred vetted firms and specialists, including architects, planners, energy specialists, and suppliers of materials and technologies. We organize comprehensive courses, workshops, excursions, conferences, discussion panels, publish professional publications, databases and reports, and offer consulting and advisory services.
Project manager
Zdeňka Černá
+420 770 186 322
Rethink Architecture Institute, z. ú.
Project Partner and operator of the ClimArchiBase web platform
At Rethink Architecture, we educate and connect building professionals, giving them the tools to work together to create architecture that is friendly to people and nature. We organize lectures and workshops, train in companies, publish publications and have created a Sustainable Building Solutions Database. We offer consultation and advice on sustainable architecture and construction for institutions, commercial companies and individuals.
Project manager
Klára Eklová
+420 775 993 559
Nadace Partnerství
Project Partner
As Nadace Partnerství we have been connecting public administration, experts and active citizens for more than 30 years. We support civil society with grants for green projects as well as expertise in the areas of public space and green building design, climate adaptation planning and resident engagement. For municipalities, we offer accredited training programs on adaptation to the impacts of climate change. Transforming thinking is best supported by showcasing quality solutions, which is why we run the annual Adapterra Climate Adaptation Awards. This collects and recognizes quality implemented solutions, including the stories behind their creation. In the preparation of construction projects for public as well as private investors, we provide consultation on climate adaptation solutions. For this, we also use data measured in the carbon-neutral Open Garden in Brno.
Project manager
Monika Hlávková
+420 725 782 227
Česká rada pro šetrné budovy, z.s.
The Czech Green Building Council (CZGBC) brings together companies from different sectors of the economy. Their link is quality buildings and the construction industry supporting new construction and renovation based on sustainability principles. The Council has been active in the Czech Republic since 2009 and all its activities are aimed at achieving Vision Zero, i.e. a state where buildings have zero environmental impact throughout their entire life cycle. We motivate the market to change the way people design, build, maintain and operate buildings and urban areas. We strive to create healthy, prosperous and environmentally and socially sensitive urban environments that improve quality of life.
Project manager
Eva Geršlová
+420 775 577 495
Project Funding
The LIFE ClimArchiBase project is co-funded by the EU LIFE programme, the Ministry of the Environment and by the Passive House Centre, Rethink Architecture Institute, Partnership Foundation, and the Czech Green Building Council. Sub-activities in the project are co-funded by other partners or grants, which are always listed next to the activity.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
The project is co-funded by the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic. All statements and opinions are those of the author only, and the provider of the grant (the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic) is not responsible for the content of these statements.